
Feminism: Fourth wave movement Feminism is making waves all over the world. The fourth wave of feminism officially began in 2013, with the main focus on sexual harassment; many social media movements emerged, which later turned into legal battles; the campaigns have been successful in raising awareness and some political changes, but only in the Western world; movements are still in their early stages, and it will take time to achieve actual change in society. Since the early 2010s, the world has begun to evolve as technology, particularly social media, has virtually reduced distances. This connection has resulted in almost revolutionary awareness. In 2013, the fourth wave of feminism began—this new wave of feminism advocates. Since the early 2010s, the world has begun to evolve as technology, particularly social media, has virtually reduced distances. This connection has resulted in almost revolutionary awareness. In 2013, the fourth wave of feminism began. This new wave of feminism fights for equal opportunities for women and women's empowerment, and it primarily uses social media to raise awareness of the cause. The time's up movement was another movement inspired by Weinstein. This movement is dedicated to establishing a legal fund for women who wish to pursue sexual harassment claims in court.


Fourth wave movement Feminism is making waves all over the world. The fourth wave of feminism officially began in 2013, with the main focus on sexual harassment; many social media movements emerged, which later turned into legal battles; the campaigns have been successful in raising awareness and some political changes, but only in the Western world; movements are still in their early stages, and it will take time to achieve actual change in society. Since the early 2010s, the world has begun to evolve as technology, particularly social media, has virtually reduced distances. This connection has resulted in almost revolutionary awareness. In 2013, the fourth wave of feminism began—this new wave of feminism advocates.

Since the early 2010s, the world has begun to evolve as technology, particularly social media, has virtually reduced distances. This connection has resulted in almost revolutionary awareness. In 2013, the fourth wave of feminism began. This new wave of feminism fights for equal opportunities for women and women's empowerment, and it primarily uses social media to raise awareness of the cause. The time's up movement was another movement inspired by Weinstein. This movement is dedicated to establishing a legal fund for women who wish to pursue sexual harassment claims in court.

This movement has also effectively collected more than 22 million dollars.

Since January 2018, 800 lawyers have volunteered for the anti-sexual harassment legal fund, and another 800 have pledged to join the movement. If the success of these two movements is examined, they successfully achieved their original goal, which was to call out sexual harassment in the workplace and give women the courage to take action against these perpetrators.

The women's march, which began in 2017, is another crucial aspect of the fourth wave of feminism. When Donald Trump, the current President of the United States of America, took the oath of office, all oppressed groups, particularly women, reacted angrily, and rightly so, because the President had frequently used words that demonstrated a solid anti-women sentiment. Meesha Shafi, a well-known figure in Pakistan's entertainment industry, took to social media and accused fellow singer and actor Ali Zafer of harassment, using the hashtag #metoo at the end of her post. This accusation enraged the entire community, and many people began to support Meesha Shafi, with many other women retweeting her with the same hashtag.

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